Category: Keyboard Symbols
Here is a downloadable, printable PDF list of 21 frequently-requested keyboard symbols with codes for Alt Key, HTML and Unicode. This list is especially handy for writers – print or online. For the full keyboard symbols tutorial please visit this page.
Musical notes and characters you can make with common text fonts: Courier, Arial, Times New Roman. Here are the keyboard symbols for Alt Key, Unicode and HTML formats. If you’re using the Alt Key symbols, you’ll need to use your numerical keypad with Numlock on. Musical Note: Eighth ♪ Alt, 1, 3 for Print U+266A …
It’s easy to make dingbats and arrows with text fonts. Easily create fun graphics, including hearts and smiley faces… with Arial and Times New Roman. If you need some cool bullets, arrows and other Dingbat style graphics, but you don’t have the Wingding or Zapf Dingbat fonts installed on your computer, here’s how you can make them …
List and Instructions for Making French, German and Spanish Accented Letters on Your Computer Keyboard Hold down the Alt key, then type in 0 (zero), followed by the last three numbers – using the numeric keypad on the right of your keyboard. Then you can let up the Alt key. If you don’t have a numeric …
How to Make Keyboard Symbols Using Alt Key, HTML and Unicode Characters Here is a handy list of Alt Key, HTML and Unicode symbols you can make with standard text fonts on your computer keyboard with how-to instructions to make it easy. It helps if you have a numeric keypad, but if you don’t there are …