I joined Zazzle in 2009 – not thinking of it as an income-earning side hustle – but to have fun making Christmas cards and coffee mugs with my photographs of sunsets and flowers. I didn’t do much for quite awhile with my New Radiance Zazzle shop so did not keep up with the improvements that took place over the years on Zazzle. Then in late 2016, I discovered Elke Clarke’s website with loads of free material, an informative newsletter… and (at that time) a beginner course that helped me figure out the many improvements Zazzle had made for their designers and customers.
Learning about Elke’s personal success story with Zazzle earnings helped me understand that Zazzle could be a viable “side hustle” to augment Social Security. I had never worked for a company with a pension plan or 401K, so it was imperative to have a second income source, once my day job ended. I was so impressed with Elke’s free material that I signed up immediately when Elke launched the more advanced 5 Step Profit Plan Program the following July.
Then in 2019, Elke and her daughter, Jen, launched the Profit by Design Academy, which combines the beginner and advanced programs into an easy-to-follow 10-lesson course that is open to join twice a year. I’ve taken this course, too, and it is excellent.
During this period of training, I truly understood that I could earn a living income with Zazzle, doing work I enjoyed providing products that people wanted and needed. In addition, Elke’s training helped me figure out a design niche that works for me.
Elke and Jen Clarke’s programs are simply the best online business investments I’ve ever made. The lessons are hands-on, how-to, and step-by-step. Easy to follow and spot-on for what’s needed. Plus, at each level of your training, the Clarkes have provided online groups of designers at your level so you can trade notes and have a supportive environment while you’re learning.
After working with Elke and Jen, I’ve become a full-time designer with a fun, creative way to showcase my inspirational writing at the same time.
Even if you’re not an artist (and I’m not… I’m a writer), Elke and Jen will teach you how to use the Zazzle design tools to start earning income quickly. Here’s the link for more info on the Profit By Design Academy.
UPDATE: February 2023
I’m currently enrolled in the Clarke Courses 7-Figure Mastermind program. This has me doubling my income each year and adding niches I had previously shied away from, including… weddings (on my newest store). This wedding invite is my current best-seller. Cheers!
DISCLOSURE: I believe in the Clarke Courses so much, I also joined their affiliate program, the income from which helps me keep my websites going. The easiest way to check out Jen and Elke’s courses and programs yourself is by going here